Zero Trust Architecture

“Game Changing” Cybersecurity

In 2021, the US Department of Energy published the Solar Futures Study report calling Operant's technology potentially “game changing” in the category of cybersecurity solutions required to transition the US electric grid to distributed renewables, while also protecting national security.

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a large subject area, perhaps bordering on a philosophy, that is driving significant and ongoing shifts in the network security community.

Though Operant’s technology was developed before ZTA became an industry buzzword, it is based on ZTA principles and is customized specifically for industrial control systems.

Operant applies Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) principles to each individual data packet without impacting overall network performance using the following attributes:

  • Identity: Each data packet is signed by a fundamental identity based on public key cryptography and validated by the trust chain.
  • Controlling Access: Fine-grained trust policies define specifically which network entities are trusted to perform what actions, and which key should be used for each purpose.
  • Managing and Deploying Security: Keys and certificates are securely and seamlessly deployed within the network as with any data packet.